Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Your Governments not Immigrants are the Problem

Your Governments not Immigrants are the Problem

Tariku Abas Etenesh

“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked.” Hermann Wilhelm Göring, one of the trusted advisers of Adolf Hitler, said this about how the mass could quickly be turned into machinery for savagery to do their leaders bidding.

What is happening in Saudi Arabia currently whereby mobs encouraged by their government arbitrarily torture, stab, rape and kill what they called illegal immigrants from Ethiopia, Philippines, Nigeria, Sudan, Chad, Eritrea, and India, as if they were not human beings, is the exact reflection of the above Nazi principles.

History is witness to the fact that during great economic upheavals, as the world is currently facing; irrational forces in governments with narrow political interests justify monstrosity under cover of national interests and regiment the mass behind. The Nazi used this technique against the Jews and the gypsies during WWII, as are many countries around the world currently doing it against immigrants.

Now it is the turn of the Saudi Arabian government to use defenseless immigrants who are escaping persecutions, injustice and economic malaise in their own nations as a scapegoat to divert the mounting pressure from their own people for better justice.  

If we ask the Saudi savage mob what made them insane enough to kill fellow human beings who did then no harm and do so in the name of Allah? They could only point to how their government has justified injustice by telling them the Saudi way of life is attacked by the immigrants. 


Are not the people you are killing today your sisters who cuddled and breastfed your children? Aren’t these brothers you are axing in public today your employees in your businesses? Aren’t there ‘enemies’ that you stab and kill in public today, your brothers who worshiped Allah with you in the “Holy Land’?

Your government is your real problem.

The government is now telling you that it has found the best solution for your dire economic situations and lack of social justice: Eradicate the defenseless immigrants. The government has a reason to divert your questions and attention from your quest for a better life and better share from the wealth of the land which you are cut off.

Dear Mob, you have been duped. You are made to hate your brothers who are the victims of the same social injustices in their own countries. You are made automatons of savagery trampling over the idea of human solidarity.

For mobs in Saudi Arabia and around the world who are being lured into becoming the tools for savagery: your governments, not immigrants are the problem.