That “Someone” that “Something” that “Somewhere”
(Tariku Abas Etenesh)
poetic or rather decadent could it sound to assume someone who, intentionally
and with feel of no remorse had done you the worst of heinous wrongs in your
life, to suddenly show up at your home; and do so with the expectation of
graciousness from you for all the ills he has done you?
would you do?
let me tell you of such a real story that just happened this week.( January 2013)
‘someone’ knocked at the door; and it was opened by the owner.
can I do for you, dear brother?” the owner asked.
you remember the ills I caused you some years ago and kept inflicting hence?”
that ‘someone’ said with malicious grace.
“Yes” the owner said.
am back with confidence to tell you, lest you forget, that I have no regret for
what I have done to you, and I shall promise to keep throwing the ills at you.”
you know the ills you caused are all unearned?!” with humility and odd kindness
the owner replied.
is why I fell exalted to even do it again.”
you have forgotten, dear brother, I forgave all your evils because I value
humanity than vengeful rants or acts.”
dear reader, if you are in the dark about what or who the ‘someone’ or
‘something’ or the ‘somewhere’ really is, please surf the history pages, where
you will find the keys written like this:
That “somewhere” is Africa where despite
blood spattered past that linked the continent with the former colonizers, Africa
has denounced vengeance and hatred and embraced former colonizers with
humility of human greatness as brothers and sister - as done in Zimbabwe and South Africa, and all the former colonies.
Unfortunate to Africa , the great show of
humility and love of human glory it kept on showing, seems to be taken for
Who could be
more fit for the reference “that Someone”
other than people in the higher political echelons of some former colonial
countries, the likeness of which include Francois Holland who just months ago
said NO to apologizing for the crimes France has committed in Algeria during
colonization (though Algerians have always been forgiving), now feels justified
to send his planes to bomb African villages in Mali (what ever the reasoning might be)
That ‘something’ could never been other than
‘crime against humanity’ and the
respect humanity deserves, which seems to have different meanings when applied about
African and Africans and the West. What holds as a breach of international law
for other continents seems just a play thing where the whims of the Francois Hollandes of the west become the law in Africa .
Unearned suffering and unearned forgiveness are both malicious to human solidarity. Africa should brace herself to solve her own problem by herself with dignity and honor .
Long live human solidarity!
Unearned suffering and unearned forgiveness are both malicious to human solidarity. Africa should brace herself to solve her own problem by herself with dignity and honor .
Long live human solidarity!