Wednesday, October 31, 2012

They raised him saying

They raised him saying

They raised him saying: Take care,
And be careful of your foes;
When- only dolls were his intimates;

They reminded him, saying: Take them,
All these 'norms' and ‘NOs’ in mind,
When his only rich–was his rational mind;

They accused him then at last,
Guilty as charged of trespass;
Though the only fruits he bore
Was what they in him, sow;
With out a seer’s wisdom
or a vision- to live for.

Heaven of evils?

Heaven of evils?
If as they say:
When one loves,
Along germinates the seed of hate,
And when one gains,
In the heart is sown the seed of loss,
I wonder where ‘heaven’ of all evils be set,
If no pursuit was there for the best?
(By TAE)