Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Absurdistan' aka Ethiopia IV

Absurdistan' aka Ethiopia IV

Well, the time has come that I have to say it out loud. I don’t agree with most opposition leaders and political pundits or key detractors, (including myself) of the government of Ethiopia as being democratic.Who are we to blame the government of being Democratic; when time and again it has insisted to be called Demon-cratic i.e. democracy of demonizing others, and that the government deserves our fair share of respect in being referred to as it wants to be called: The Federal Demon-cratic Republic of Ethiopia or in short Absurdistan.

Who are we to deny the government to be called as it wanted to be called?

Who are we to deny the government a thank you for the great gifts it has offered the people of  Ethiopia:
1.      The gift of Repression of dissent,  
2.      The gift of Lack of political space (for any politics other than the governing party),
3.      The gift the killings and jailing people,
4.      The gift of nullifying freedom of speech,
5.      The gift of criminalizing freedom of assembly,
6.      The gift of shredding the country’s constitution into bits to help a few elites live above the law and- most of all,
7.      The gift of Demon-cracy  for more than two decades

Who are we to deny what the government earned?

How nicer could a ‘demon-cracy’ get when the government from its very establishment has done its best to be ‘accountable’ and be abide by the ‘universally accepted’ conventions, laws and practices including but not limited to:

·         International convention in the experimentation of ‘Orwellian Animal Farm’
·         Universal declaration of ‘Orwellian 1984’
·         Unilateral/ bilateral/multilateral declaration of hatred of ‘others’
·         The universal dictatorial creed of taking people hostage for party and political ends?
·         The universal dictatorial creed of threatening to dismantle a country if power is lost.

What more do people need from the government of Absurdistan?

Stop calling the government democratic when they don’t want to be called so.

Let’s show some ‘Absudistan’ respect here!!

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